26 February, 2016

Online Marketplace, Kaymu Is 3 Years Old

Kaymu.com, one of Nigeria’s top online marketplaces, which specialises in the empowerment of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) is three years old.
As such, the company has a redefined strategy for building. Its website wears a better look as customers to the site experience a revamp first hand; there is a major improvement from the previous layout.

The celebration, marked by the site revamp, is a good milestone for the brand as it focuses on offering better services to its users, making transactions as smooth as possible with its faster and efficient strategy for its operations.
Kaymu is adopting a friendlier focus with its community with the social integration which gives a new angle for better communication and an all-round lighter approach in experience for the customer’s journey.
The platform gives away amazing deals focusing on historically best products on the site, thereby making buyers and sellers have much to look forward to in terms of optimised user experience.
The changes made to the desktop version of Kaymu have resulted in an improvement of over 50 per cent in the Page Load Time. This has improved the stability and overall responsiveness of the site. The interface has less clutter, giving room for bigger product boxes and a better shopping experience. This is not only limited to the desktop theme; users are sure to experience this consistency on all Kaymu platforms as the wider, more spacious appearance gives modern screen resolutions a better advantage.
Kaymu not only has a new desktop lookout but in celebration of its anniversary, has a new strategy in place to better serve its customers.  Kaymu is getting faster, lighter and friendlier in all its operations/services.
Kaymu is getting more social as it gives users an easy way to follow their favourite sellers and see latest updates from their networks.
Some of the other features users should look forward to would be the new catalogue navigation system, bigger product boxes and images, better descriptions, ratings, questions and answers on products, the new seller card information section, and more. The best part will be the whole new personal area dashboard for both the sellers and buyers, giving a more user-friendly interface to either handle orders.

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