Miley Cyrus wore heart-shaped pasties on Wednesday that flustered chat show host Jimmy Kimmel. The 22-year-old provocative pop star immediately flashed her pink pasties as elevator doors opened onto the Jimmy Kimmel Live stage in Hollywood. She donned the nipple covers under a short dark metallic jacket and also sported a matching sequined skirt. 'I'm a little cold. I should've worn a shirt,' Miley said as she took a seat next to 47-year-old Jimmy. 'I'm embarrased now,' Jimmy said after Miley raised her arms and again exposed her pasties. 'I'm a little cold. I should've worn a shirt,' Miley said as she took a seat next to 47-year-old Jimmy. 'I'm embarrased now,' Jimmy said after Miley raised her arms and again exposed her pasties. Jimmy asked what Miley's father Billy Ray Cyrus, 53, says when he sees her on television in such outfits. 'My dad doesn't know how to turn on the TV,' quipped Miley who also accessorised with dangling earrings and heart-shaped designs near her eyes. 'He'd rather have me with my t**s out and being a good person than rather have my shirt on and be a b****,' Miley added. The pair continued an animated conversation that prompted Jimmy to say it would 'be better probably' if Miley kept her arms at her sides. 'The humans aren't afraid of the human breast. It's the nipple that's an issue,' Miley said.
She pointed out that showing 'underboob' was allowed but 'it's the nipple that's the problem'. Miley claimed to purchase the pasties on Hollywood Boulevard. The We Can't Stop singer said she was excited to host the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday at the Microsoft Theater in downtown Los Angeles. She's scheduled to present the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award to Kanye West at the awards ceremony. 'I hope he doesn't push me off stage,' Miley joked.
Daily Mail
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