13 August, 2015

Mothers use social media than fathers – report

Recently, the Pew Research Centre released a report on the social media habits of parents, based on surveys of over 2,000 of them (defined as people with kids under 18) last September. It details everything from who uses what platforms to how many “real” friends they have on Facebook, and the whole thing is worth a read, but here’s a quick glimpse at the part you care about most: how fathers differ from mothers. It turns out that mothers use social media differently than fathers, starting with the kinds of social media they use. Mothers are far more likely to be posting photographs to Instagram and doing whatever it is people do on Pinterest than fathers, which aligns with broader gender-specific trends in social media — including the part about fathers outpacing mothers only on LinkedIn. Overall, mothers use social media more than fathers, and also find it more useful. Across the board, moms are more likely to strongly or somewhat agree with statements about engagement and efficacy on social media than dads are. What is interesting, though, is that when the responses are no longer evaluative, but rather anecdotal. Only 22 per cent of fathers “strongly agree” that they have received parenting support on social media, but when asked if they have received such support in the past month, 28 per cent say yes. Maybe it was a good month, or maybe guys are less likely to admit that the only reason they know how to get poop out of their car upholstery is because their Facebook feed told them.


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