13 September, 2015

Social Media Helps Doctors in Europe’s 'Slow-Moving Disaster'

For the thousands of Syrian refugees attempting to escape their war-torn nation in favor of safe haven in European nations like Germany, their needs often are simple: food, water, clothing and diapers top the list.
And, increasingly, so are Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.
The uses of social media and digital communications during times of humanitarian crises have perhaps never been so much on display as they are currently in Europe, which is struggling to respond to a massive influx of refugees from Syria and the Middle East.
Migrants are using apps to keep families in contact, find transportation and shelter, and even monitor border guard movements in real-time.
But social media and networking apps aren’t just proving to be of help for those struggling on their journeys. Public health and emergency responders from the Middle East through Europe are using these digital tools to help those most in need and direct resources to where they’re most needed as quickly as possible.
Source - Voice Of America

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