08 September, 2015

Unique jewellery created using BREAST MILK

ALL mothers treasure a keepsake that reminds them of their newborn baby - but one woman decided to take this one step further by creating jewellery from BREAST MILK.

The controversial creations have sparked a heated debate amongst parents worldwide, however Allicia Mogavero has so many requests that she can barely keep up with the growing demands. 
In fact, there is even a 12-month waiting list and the founder of Mummy Milk Creations now receives daily packages from mothers in countries across the world including the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Australia, Spain, Italy and China.
Ms Mogavero from Rhode Island, New England in the United States, came up with the unique range of jewellery - a variety of personalised rings, pendants and chains - after a breakthrough learning to breastfeed her first child. 
In awe of her own body's ability to feed and nourish her new born baby, Ms Mogavero spent seven years perfecting a secret preservation technique that solidifies the milk in a special resin. 
The mother-of-three explained: "I had a lot of issues and complications with breastfeeding him, he was tongued tied, had a recessed chin and I unknowingly had flat nipples.
"I would be up in the middle of the night trying to get my son to latch on for hours at a time, it was exhausting and one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.
"Those difficulties, the bond with my son and the satisfaction with myself for fighting through was truly a profound experience for me." 
In effort to capture such an incredible moment, Ms Mogavero entraps the milk inside a variety of tiny shapes including stars, hearts, moons and tiny hands and feet in a five-step process, which takes around five hours to create. 
Prices reach around $160 (£97) for a personalised sterling silver locket.
The entrepeneur said although the technique has taken her years to perfect, she is still amazed by her own designs. 
"What was so amazing to me was that I could make milk and completely nourish this baby, it was all he needed and that was absolutely amazing to me.
"Something my body makes that I provide with love has my child all plump and happy, it was amazing."
She continued: "It's not easy to take an organic compound such as breast milk and encase it it something, if isn't preserved properly it will just spoil.
"The demand for my items is extremely high, right now there is a year wait to get an item from me." 
Despite the novel creations not being everyone's cup of tea - Ms Mogavero remains confident. 
"I've heard it all when it comes to comments about my items, "what's next, a baby's first poop keepsake?" or "that is disgusting, breast milk is body fluid." 
"However, I think breast milk is truly amazing and I'm certainly not the only one who thinks this way," she added. 

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