17 October, 2015

GLOBACOM Splashes New Cars On PSquare

One of the longest serving brand ambassadors of Globacom and Nigeria’s R&B duo, PSquare have continued to reap the rewards of their hard work and dedication to their brand since they hit the limelight some years back.

Unarguably, there seems not to be any other music group in Nigeria and perhaps in Africa that has recorded as much success as Peter and Paul Okoye that make up the group. They have both endured some turbulent moments that many feared would break them up, but they have always come out of every hurdle stronger.
They have released hit singles and albums over the years and have performed at over hundred concerts and stages across Africa and beyond. PSquare returned from the tour of United States (US) recently and were welcomed with another surprise gifts from telecommunications giant, Globacom as they were presented with brand new cars. Peter reportedly got a G-Wagon Benz while his brother, Paul went away with a Range Rover 2015.
From the look of things, PSquare may have to expand their garage to accommodate their new toys as they are known to be lover of exotic cars.

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