23 October, 2015

Health Benefits Of Breastfeeding Babies

Breastfeeding has many important health benefits for both mother and baby. If you breastfeed, you will be giving your child the best possible start in life. Any period of breastfeeding, however short, will benefit your baby.

Benefits of breastfeeding for babies

Breast milk is best for your baby because it:
  • is natural – the food specifically designed for your baby
  • changes as your baby grows so they get exactly what they need
  • reduces the risk of ear, chest, and kidney infections
  • reduces the risk of gastro-enteritis, childhood obesity, Type 2 diabetes, childhood cancer and sudden infant death syndrome

Benefits of breastfeeding for mothers

Breastfeeding is best for mothers because:
  • it is free
  • there is no need to sterilise bottles or keep your baby waiting, especially at night
  • it reduces the risk of developing illnesses such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis (brittle bones)
  • Breastfeeding is a new skill and all new skills need practice. It can be difficult at the start and mothers need reassurance while they learn. It is vital that mothers get the right support and encouragement from their family and friends. There are also various support groups in local communities which can help new mothers.

    Healthy eating for breastfeeding

    When you’re breastfeeding, you should try to eat well. A varied and balanced diet will help you and your baby to thrive. Knowing what to eat, how much to eat, what vitamins to take and what to avoid is very important – whatever goes into your body will also go in to your baby’s.

    Breastfeeding Welcome Here'

    Breastfeeding in public places can be a daunting prospect, especially for first-time mums.
    The Public Health Agency's 'Breastfeeding Welcome Here' scheme aims to help mums feel more comfortable about feeding their baby in public.
    There are now more than 400 businesses, council facilities and popular local attractions signed up to the scheme. They display a sticker and certificate in their premises to let mums know that they are welcome to feed in all areas and will not be asked to stop breastfeeding.
    Staff are also made aware that they are to be supportive of mothers on the premises.

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