05 December, 2015

3 Sisters Sexually Abused By Their Stepfather

Three sisters who endured dreadful cruelty at the hands of their abusive stepfather have decided to waive their right to anonymity to highlight how sexual deviants can prey on children who, on the surface, appear to be living in the nicest of homes. (From left to right in main picture) Georgina Farley, 29, Victoria Darragh, 32, and Rebecca Rorks, 30, have told of how their stepfather Victor Farley (top right) made them feel like they 'deserved the beatings' he was dishing out so mercilessly when they were children (bottom right). Rebecca remembers how social services visited their home in Tenterden, Kent, a dozen or so times but they were deceived by their seemingly normal middle class lifestyle of Sunday school, Brownies and flower arranging classes. 'We'd have black eyes, thick lips, bleeding noses and marks on our legs from where he beat us with a riding whip, but we felt it was our fault,' Rebecca said. Childcare professionals chose to believe their abuser, Victor Farley (inset, right), when he said their injuries were down to high spirited mischief, Rebecca said. As children they were made to feel like the abuse they suffered was their fault but in May last year, inspired by the support given to the victims of historic sex abuse in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, they finally decided to press charges against him.

Source - Dailymail

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