28 January, 2016

Minister Challenges SON To Make Nigerian Products Exportable

The Minister of State for Industry,Trade and Investment, Aisha Abubakar, on Wednesday said the Standard Organisation of Nigeria,(SON) should re-strategize to make Made-in-Nigeria products exportable.

The minister gave the advice at the opening of the annual retreat of SON, holding in Kaduna.
She said agencies under the ministry must engender new thinking so as to be part of the economic diversification policy of the Federal Government.
“You need to intensify your fight against the circulation of substandard products in Nigeria by developing new strategies to importation as well as local production of substandard products.
“You also need to provide greater assurance to the Nigerian public by ensuring the certification of Made-in Nigeria products.”
He challenged the 150 participants at the retreat to “think out of the box” and come up with new strategies for enhanced productivity.
She reminded the staff “not loose sight of the cardinal goal of this govenment which are anti-corruption campaing,security and economy.
“Development cannot thrive in an insecure environment,so industrilization and attracting Foreing Direct Investment would be effective only in a friendly and condusive environment.“ Abubakar said.
The minister said the federal government had come up with appropriate policies, programmes and projects to tackle the constraints facing the industrial sector.
In his remarks, SON Director-General, Dr Joseph Odumodu, reiterated their commitment to rid the country of sub-standard products.
“If we must industilize we must fight substandard products in the country, a task which we are committed to”, he said.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the three-day retreat has as its theme “Made in Nigeria for the World.”(NAN)

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