25 January, 2016

This Bluetooth-Enabled Wristband Helps Prevent Food Allergies

For the 1 in 13 children who are affected by food allergies, a startup called AllerGuarder, announced a Bluetooth-powered allergy awareness wristband which is now onKickstarter.

The wristband sends alerts about a child’s dangerous food allergies to anyone who has downloaded the free app and comes in contact with the child. “The child’s identity is fully protected from strangers but all others who have been given special ‘Trusted Friend’ status–relatives, friends, or school staff–will also receive detailed personal and medical information” the company says.
AllerGuarder’s Bluetooth transmitter broadcasts the alert to all AllerGuarder app-enabled smartphones and tablets within an approximate 50-foot radius, creating a virtual safe zone it claims. “Anyone who has downloaded the free app and comes in contact with the child will receive an alert reminding them to be vigilant and aware.”
Those within this safe zone can view non-specific information about the allergic person.  Parents can also customize the amount of their child’s information that is viewable to designated “Trusted Friends” who have downloaded the app.
For example, a stranger’s view can be limited to an alert that an unidentified allergic person is nearby, the type of allergies and whether the allergies are triggered by ingestion, touch, or airborne. “These alerts dramatically reduce the risk of accidental exposure to food allergens and provide peace of mind for families everywhere,” the company says.

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