04 February, 2016

Mother Who Blamed Her Headaches On Tiredness From Looking After Her Four Children Is Diagnosed With A BRAIN TUMOUR At 28

Emily Corrigan, 28, from Watford, considered herself perfectly fit and healthy until she passed out last July. To her horror, the 28-year-old was diagnosed with a grade two brain tumour and needed surgery to remove part of her skull to get rid of the tumour. 

She said: Whenever I got a headache or felt tired I just put it down to looking after my kids. I was stressed and never thought anything more of it.' 

And after realising there was a lack of awareness and fundraising for brain tumours, she decided to post a picture of her scar to Facebook last week - which has generated a tremendous response. She said: 'When I went to London for my surgery, there was one lady on my ward (dedicated brain tumour ward) who celebrated her 80th birthday there, everyone else was under 40, and all of us had young children.' Pictured are Sonny, 8, Harvey, 5, and twins Francesca and Annabel, 3.

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