28 February, 2016

NLC, TUC Commence Discussion On Minimum Wage

The two Labour unions in the country, Nigerian Labour Congress and the Trade Union Congress, have commenced a joint discussion on a new minimum wage.

The General Secretary of the NLC, Dr. Peter Ozo-Eson, told our correspondent on the telephone on Saturday that the two Labour centers commenced the joint discussion to reconcile positions on a new minimum wage earlier in the week.
Ozo-Eson said that the organised Labour would make a demand for a new minimum wage to the Federal Government at the conclusion on the ongoing talks by the two unions this week.
He said that the discussion were necessary to enable the organised Labour to present the same position to the Federal Government on the issue of the Minimum. Wage.
He said that the Labour movement would demand a new minimum wage in accordance with the Minimum Wage Act which stipulated a review of the minimum wage every five years.

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