26 February, 2016

The EU's Migration System Is TEN DAYS From 'Completely Breaking Down' If The Number Of People Arriving In Europe Is Not Curbed, Brussels Migration Chief Warns

The commissioner, Dimitris Avramopoulos, warns that Europe faces a meltdown with the rate of migrants arriving, as a number of individual countries struggle to deal with the influx.

In Greece (pictured, top right), prime minister Alexis Tsipras warned his country was turning into 'a warehouse of souls' as more and more nations close their borders to migrants. In Calais (top left), thousands have settled in the infamous Jungle camp, mainly from war-torn nations in the middle east and northern Africa. 

Ministers from non-EU members Serbia and Macedonia (bottom left), considered the main route into Europe for many migrants, were also in Brussels today, as the European Union reaches outside its borders in an attempt to deal with the crisis. 

Mr Avramopoulos said unless the continent can stem the flow of migrants by a summit with Turkey (pictured today, bottom right), on March 7, the migration set up in the EU may completely break down.


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