Essential oils are popular due to their beneficial properties, and nowadays, some of them have even been scientifically confirmed to be able to inhibit the development of cancer, as well as to effectively treat cancer cells.
Therefore, no one denies their medicinal value now, especially in the case of cancer. The frequency in the case of a completely healthy body ranges from 62 to 78 MHz, and it begins at 58Hz in the case of a disease.
Tests with frequency also revealed some other interesting facts, for instance, that optimistic thoughts increase our frequency for 10 MHz, and in contrast, negative thoughts reduce it for 12 MHz.
Research has shown that a part of the most popular essential oils, including grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lemon, thyme, rose, chamomile, mint, ginger, and cinnamon, may effectively fight cancer. The research examined the antibacterial potential, as well as in- vitro toxicology, against human cancer cell lines.
The role of the Calibrated Frequency Monitor (CFM) is to calculate the frequencies of essential oils, as well as the consequences of their application. It has been developed by Bruce Tainio, of Tainio Technology and head of the Department of Agriculture at Eastern Washington University.
This monitor is used at the Essential Oils laboratory and at Johns Hopkins University, where it examines the link between frequency and disease.
According to the immunologist, Mahmoud Suhail “Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted.” This is where the essential oils can help as they may reset the state and tell the right DNA code to the cell.
There are numerous essential oils sold on the market, but they are not the same in quality. Many of them are synthetically produced and have been diluted with additives or alcohol.
Therefore, in order to enjoy all the beneficial effects of essential oil, it is advisable to use only 100% pure therapeutic grade quality essential oils.
The author of the book The Body Electric, Robert O. Becker, M.D., confirms that our body contains an electrical frequency, and it significantly influences our health.
According to Nikola Tesla, the elimination of some frequencies that affect our bodies, we will be less prone to diseases. Furthermore, the Nobel Prize winner and two-time Nobel Laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, also won this prize due to his discovery that human cells have an electrical voltage.
Therefore, there is no doubt that certain diseases may be developed due to some frequencies while others may be prevented due to other frequency values. High- frequency substances are able to fight low- frequency diseases.
The values in the Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils range from 52 to 320 MHz!
For instance: Lavender 118 MHz, Rose 320 MHz, Peppermint 78 MHz, Helichrysum 181 MHz, Frankincense 147 MHz, Myrrh 105 MHz, German Camomile 105 MHz, Ravensara 134 MHz, Sandalwood 96 MHz, Angelica 85 MHz, Juniper 98 MHz.
Essential oils are extremely high in numerous nutrients and health benefits.
Namely, in the case of breast cancer cells, the most effective ones are thyme, cinnamon, chamomile(killing up to 93% of them in vitro) and jasmine oil. Thyme oil can combat up to 97% of the MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
The journal Industrial Crops and Products published a study which pointed out that chamomile oil contains powerful antioxidant properties. Namely, it examined 11 essential oils, such as winter savory, rosemary, sage, French tarragon, bitter, and sweet fennel, lavender, thyme, peppermint, and discovered that Roman chamomile has the strongest antioxidant activity.
Frankincense Oil And cancer
Suhail states that “Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.”
The efficacy of this oil is due to the monoterpenes, which are compounds which are able to fight cancerous cells in the early stages of development, as well as in the progression stages, so it is perfect to be used in the case of cancer regardless of the time it has been found.
Frankincense oil may completely change the cancer treatments. In the case of chemo, all cells, malignant and healthy ones, are killed, which leads to weakened immune system of the patient. Yet, it cancer is treated with this oil, the negative side- effects may be prevented.
Dr. Suhail also states that “There are 17 active agents in frankincense essential oil.”Numerous individual experiences of the treatments with essential oils in the case of cancer and other degenerative diseases have been promoted at the Budwig center.
For instance, the wife of a man from Long Beach who has been diagnosed with liver cancer in the terminal stage and was expected to live no more than 6 months to live discovered the miraculous power of 100% pure frankincense oil and tried this treatment.
The man put the oil under the tongue on a daily basis and applied it topically to his liver. Next, his doctor noticed that the tumors were significantly shrinking, so he advised them to continue the treatment.
After some time, his doctor decided to do a surgery, even though it was out of the question at the beginning due to the size of the tumors. Eventually, 3/4 of the liver were removed together with cancer, and the man is now leading a healthy and fulfilled life.
Furthermore, in the case of a second reoccurrence of leukemia, a boy combined chemotherapy with essential oils, and prevented the potential side- effects of his treatment.
Moreover, another 5- year old patient was also rescued due to this oil. Namely, this girl was diagnosed with brain cancer, and after a treatment which included the application of a mixture of a drop of frankincense and a drop of sandalwood oil to the bottom of the feet, along with an application of lavender oil to her wrist, completely reversed cancer.
Frankincense and natural remedies have helped a woman fight her throat degeneration.
Furthermore, another cancer patient, Ellen, was diagnosed with polyscithemiarubravera and bone marrow degeneration. She witnesses that:
“After 3 months my blood tests are showing massive improvements placing most markers into the normal range! I have not had to do 2 of the last 3 phlebotomies that I was having every 2 weeks and are now every month or longer! I am feeling like a million dollars and no longer look like I am at death’s door! Do these oils and have faith that this will work. It does.”
The mother of Bebe was diagnosed with lung cancer, and it spread to her bones, ribs, spine, shoulders, pelvis and hips. After a 4- month treatment with essential oils, she was able to continue her normal life, as malignant cells began to shrink.
After 7 months, she was told by her doctors that there was no trace of her cancer and she was completely cured. This is how she used it: she used frankincense oil topically on every 2-3 hours, both, over the affected areas and on the feet bottom. For best results, you should put many drops under the tongue.
After only 8 months of taking a combination of some natural remedies, 3 drops frankincense, and 1 drop of lavender, peppermint, lemongrass, sandalwood, a man effectively treated his pancreatic degeneration.
Our next example of the beneficial properties of essential oil was in the case of bladder cancer. After being diagnosed with cancer, Jackie Hogan was told that she needs to remove the bladder.
Yet, she tried the treatment with frankincense oil in combination with sandalwood oil and cured her cancer. Experts suggest that “Frankincense essential oil may represent a candidate on a growing list of natural compounds selectively eradicating cancer cells.”
Frankincense oil has proved to be extremely effective in various other cancer types. For instance, a woman has used frankincense and lemongrass on her breast on a regular basis and also took herbal supplements. She succeeded to fight her cancer after only 6 months!
Another woman also cured her cervical cancer by applying wintergreen and frankincense on the bottoms of her feet every 3 to 4 hours to alleviate the pain, and directly on her belly. After only a month, the scheduled surgery to remove her uterus was canceled, and she was completely healthy.
Moreover, another man cured his prostate cancer after 3-4 months of consumption of essential oils.
From personal experiences like the ones listed ago, it has been proved that essential oils have effectively treated numerous other health issues, like basil cell cancer, melanoma, and many others.
These are all facts that your oncologist won’t tell you. Therefore, we encourage you to do a research and find out all the beneficial properties of essential oils, as they may be your miraculous cure!
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