12 March, 2016

From orange veg, to berries and avocado, experts reveal the 8 skin superfoods YOU should eat for a radiant complexion

Millions are spent by women across the globe on fancy creams, lotions and potions all promising the perfect complexion. 

But, instead of focusing on what you slather on your skin, a team of experts are urging women, and men alike, to rather concentrate on what they are putting in their bodies. 

Forget a fancy new moisturiser, they proclaim. And instead embrace the notion that beautiful skin starts on your plate. 

Shona Wilkinson, head nutritionist at www.NutriCentre.com, a natural health retailer, said: 'Many people don't make a link between the foods they eat and their skin. 

But, like any other part of the body, our skin is kept healthy by the food and nutrients that we consume. 

So while a poor diet can quickly lead to sallow or dry skin, blemishes or acne, a healthy diet based on whole foods including a variety of vegetables and fruit, nuts and seeds, beans, fish and whole grains is an excellent basis for glowing, youthful skin. 

The following foods are particularly good sources of helpful nutrients and great skin boosters.'

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