16 March, 2016

Instagram To Start Showing Posts Like Facebook

Instagram has announced that it will soon adjust the way in which content is presented in its iOS and Android apps.

The pictures and videos in your feed will be displayed based on their relevance to you, relying on algorithms instead of its reverse chronological feed based on what users are likely to be most interested in closely resembles that of Instagram’s parent company, Facebook.

Instagram Co-founder and Chief Executive Kevin Systrom told the New York Times that people miss an average of 70 percent of the posts in their feeds.

“What this is about is making sure that the 30 percent you see is the best 30 percent possible,” he said.

The company is using machine-learning technology, as well as other signals of interest, to determine how to sort content. 

The timeliness of the posts and the relationship between users will also play a role, so that people you interact with more often appear higher in the feed. 

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