12 March, 2016

Smoking on hospital wards, cleaning wounds with maggots and pay cheque of £7 a month: SIXTY years later, Britain's longest serving nurse still has no plans for retirement

Jenny Turner, 76, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, began working as a cadet nurse in 1956 at age 16 (pictured left in the 1960s). 

During this time, patients' wounds were cleaned with maggots and medical tools were sterilised in huge cauldrons of boiling water. 

She says she used to cry as being on her feet all day was so painful, and having to memorise patient records off by heart was tough. 

Now d having witnessed computers enter into the workplace, she says the profession has changed a lot, and she often feels guilty she is not spending more time with patients. 

And yet, she has no plans to retire soon and even hopes to continue working for another ten years. 

She says she feels lucky to have been nursing for so long. She said: 'I've been nursing for so long because I'm lucky. 

I have a supportive husband, lovely friends and my health - I wouldn't be doing it without those three things.'

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