15 March, 2016

The deadly new route into Europe: Thousands of migrants, including children and a man in a wheelchair, wade across a treacherous river to get to Macedonia

The bodies of two men and a woman were found in the water early today around half a mile from the Greek town of Idomeni where thousands of refugees are trapped in squalid conditions. 

Police said they were retrieved from the Suva Reka river (inset) close to the southern Macedonian border town of Gevgelija. 

It came as hundreds of migrants streamed out of the Idomeni camp in a desperate bid to reach Macedonia, using a rope to steady themselves against the fast-flowing current (main). 

More than 12,000 people are stuck on the Greek side of the border in the squalid camp after the main migrant route to western Europe through the Balkans was effectively shut down last week.

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