17 March, 2016

You Can Enjoy Sex During Breastfeeding

Leaking: Sexual activity can stimulate the let-down reflex and may cause breast milk to leak or spray out of your breasts. This can be shocking or embarrassing if you and your husband are not prepared for it.
Talk to your partner about leaking ahead of time to find out how he feels about it. Place nursing pads inside of a sexy nursing bra to help keep leaks from getting in the way.  Nurse your baby right before any sexual activity so there will be less milk in your breasts to leak out.
If you and your husband do not mind the leaking and your breasts are not sore, then your partner does not have to avoid them. It will not harm you or your milk supply if your husband touches or stimulates your breasts.
Less Oestrogen: Your body’s oestrogen level is lower while you are breastfeeding, which could lead to decrease sex drive. It may take you longer to become aroused, and you may experience painful intercourse due to less vaginal lubrication.
If this happens, don’t rush. Give yourself more time to become aroused. You can use a preferred lubricant to help with vaginal dryness, Try different sexual positions to make intercourse more comfortable. You can also ask your doctor about a prescription for oestrogen cream to use on the vulva and vaginal opening if you experience discomfort during sex.
Your Body Image: You may not be feeling very attractive in your after-baby body. Weight gain, stretch marks, and large, hard, leaky breasts may have you feel a little self-conscious. With very little time to take care of yourself, dress up in a nice outfit or do your hair and make-up, you probably don’t feel all that put-together. When you feel like you don’t look good, you are less likely to feel sexy and in the mood for romance.
You can help yourself by eating a well balanced diet so that you can get all the nutrition you need while you are breastfeeding. Making healthy choices will give you more energy and help you lose weight in a safe, gradual way.
If your doctor says it is okay to, get some exercise, engaging in physical activity is a good way to increase your energy level, elevate your mood, lose weight and feel better about yourself. When you feel good about yourself and your body, you are more likely to feel in the mood for sexual activity.
Ask your husband to help with the baby so you can take a shower and get dressed. You may even want to do your hair and put on a little makeup. Looking good can make you feel good, too.
Talk to your partner about how you feel about your body. A little reassurance from him that he still loves you and finds you attractive may be just what you need.
Interruptions: Babies are not always predictable, so be prepared for interruptions. If your baby needs you, you will have to stop whatever you are doing to take care of her needs before you can go back to spending time with your partner.
You can avoid this by feeding the baby, change her diaper, and put her down to sleep right before you plan to spend time with your partner.
Be flexible and be patient. Your child is only a baby for a little while. In time, as your child grows, you and your partner will find more time to spend together.
Fear of another pregnancy: You just went through a pregnancy, and you have a little baby that you have to take care of.. The fear of another pregnancy can definitely make sex a scary thought. You should talk to your doctor at your postpartum check up to discuss using birth control. Contraception that’s safe to take while you are breastfeeding is available.
You also need to talk to your husband about your concerns. Once you feel in control of your family planning decisions, you may feel more ready to get back to your physical relationship with your partner. 

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