23 May, 2016

Settle Me O Lord!, Presents : FROM PAIN TO PRAISE

'But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.'' (1 Peter 5:10)

Dearly Beloved,
Settle Me O Lord!, Presents : FROM PAIN TO PRAISE,

Settle Me, 0 Lord! (SMOL) is an inspiration born by the Spirit of God for such a time as this to give direction by the word and the Spirit.
In the days we are living in, it is important for us to know that God has our welfare and well-being in mind. The knowledge of God’s welfare package, if effectively applied will deliver us from the bondage of sickness, poverty, unemployment, stagnation, marital troubles e.t.c.

We invite you to share in our vision and take part in the tangible blessings SMOL will offer.

Date: Sunday, 29th of May,
Time: 5pm,
Venue: The King's Chamber,42 Association Avenue,by Obanikoro Bus stop, Ilupeju Lagos. 08029633704

 God will indeed SETTLE YOU!

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