27 May, 2016

Victoria Derbyshire reveals her mastectomy scar in candid video diary to reassure other women fearing breast cancer surgery

The BBC presenter, 47, (left) discovered she had breast cancer in July last year. She made the video to dispel misconceptions about what a person's body will look after such an operation. 

Speaking to the camera in the 11-minute film, she said: 'Okay, I am going to show you the scar from my surgery. Last October, seven months ago I had a mastectomy. The reason I want to show you is because some women, and some men, some men have mastectomies too, worry about what the area, the skin, will look like after having a breast removed. That is it, that is my scar (top right). The reason it's slightly, mildly, pink, that's from the radiotherapy, five weeks' worth of radiation (bottom right) can turn your skin pink or red or maybe even burn.I hope you'll agree that scar is minimal, and that's because the consultants, the staff in the NHS, are so brilliant.'

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