28 July, 2016

Brexit had NO impact on business and London still top for finance, says Credit Suisse

BRITAIN'S vote to leave the European Union (EU) has had not affected business and London is set to remain an important financial hub, according to the boss of a top international bank.
Credit Suisse chief executive Tidjane Thiam said Brexit has not changed the bank's plans - and at the moment it's business as usual. 
He told CNBC: "Brexit has no immediate impact, London is a big financial centre, we have a lot of jobs in London that are going to continue operating in London and as things are clarified we will adapt our strategy."

The chief said the bank is prepared to adapt to a changing environment but is first waiting to hear what the vote to leave will mean.

He said: "We have been very cautious effectively, because everybody knows what the uncertainties are – Brexit – nobody really knows how that's going to play out.. it's going to be with us for a while because clarification will not become before 2019."

But Mr Thiam said there were many market "uncertainties" at the moment, which mean the bank is set to move carefully in the coming months.
He said: "We have been very cautious effectively, because everybody knows what the uncertainties are – Brexit – nobody really knows how that's going to play out.. it's going to be with us for a while because clarification will not become before 2019."

But Mr Thiam said there were many market "uncertainties" at the moment, which mean the bank is set to move carefully in the coming months.

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