28 July, 2016

Teacher gives up job ‘to become full-time Pokemon Go player’

The Pokémon Go craze has gone global and some entrepreneurs believe there is a lot of money to be made from the game.
A British woman has told The Sun that she has given up her job as a private teacher to play the game full-time.
Sophia Pedraza, from Barnet, north London, plans to sell the accounts on eBay once she has collected the most powerful Pokémon.

Pokémon Go masters are already flipping their accounts for thousands of pounds on eBay to players who prefer to buy the Pokémon instead of catching ’em all.
One bidding war for a high-level account with an array of powerful Pokémon reached £7,300 on the online auction site.
“If you can get to a decent level you can sell it on to people on eBay,” she told The Sun.
“I heard accounts were being sold and I looked on eBay and some accounts at level 20 and above were going for a £1,000 and level 15 bids were about £100-£200.
“If you put the time in you can get to level 15 after a day or two.
Ms Pedraza told the newspaper that she plans to buy multiple phones to boost her productivity and catch Pokémon on multiple accounts.
The 26-year-old added that she can always ‘go back to teaching’ if interest in the game starts to fade.
However, some of the Pokémon Go listings have already been removed from the auction site, with those selling the accounts breaking makers Niantic Labs’ terms of service.
It states: “Use the Services or Content, or any portion thereof, for any commercial purpose or for the benefit of any third party or in a manner not permitted by these Terms, including but not limited to (a) gathering in App items or resources for sale outside the App, (b) performing services in the App in exchange for payment outside the App, or (c ) sell, resell, rent, or lease the App or your Account.”
Meanwhile, a Pokémon Go master has become the first player to catch ’em all .
Another player searching for Pokémon at 3am has revealed how he was caught up in a ‘drug deal’ mix-up

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