08 July, 2016

Two snipers shoot 11 police officers - killing at least four - and may have planted a bomb during Dallas protests over police shooting deaths of black men Alton Sterling and Philando Castille

Two snipers have shot ten police officers - killing four - as they unleashed chaos at a protest in Dallas over the deaths of two black men killed by cops. 

The two gunmen opened fire from 'elevated positions', picking off officers as they manned the demonstration in downtown Dallas on Thursday evening, police chief David Brown said. 

Three cops have died, three are in a critical condition and the four others were injured, with two of the officers in surgery. 

Both shooters are still on the run and one, wearing tactical gear and a bulletproof vest, is hunkered down in a garage, a police source said. 

The shooting started at 8.45pm as hundreds of protesters marched through Dallas demanding justice for two black men shot dead by police earlier this week. 

Horrifying footage shows protesters chanting 'hands up, don't shoot' before suddenly scattering as shots are fired near Belo Garden Park. Another video captures semi-automatic gunfire ringing out, with dozens of shots heard as people scream and run for cover. It is not known if the shooters were protesters. Live TV coverage of the protesters peacefully marching along a street in downtown Dallas suddenly showed the crowd scattering as they sought cover after the shots were fired. 

Hundreds of people had marched through Dallas peacefully earlier on Thursday, demanding justice for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, who were shot dead by police.

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