02 August, 2016

Mother who was left heartbroken after suffering FOUR miscarriages finally has children thanks to daily aspirin tablets

Lucy Howard, 37, of Kent, suffered recurrent miscarriages for years. She was delighted to give birth to baby Sophie, now three (main picture), but suffered yet more miscarriages when trying to conceive a brother or sister for her daughter. 

When she became pregnant (inset) her doctor suggested she take aspirin, as studies show it could improve the outcome for women who have suffered miscarriages. Finally, baby Elliot (main picture) was born on July 10 - and the couple swear the aspirin tablets allowed Mrs Howard to carry her son to full term. She said: 'When I picked Elliot up and cuddled him, all my anxiety [about miscarriage] completely lifted. Finally, he was there. Now, he's back home and doing brilliantly. We're so delighted.'

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