04 August, 2016

Three-and-a-half stone anorexic who survived on just 39 calories A DAY says falling in love saved her life as she shares curvy photos after her recovery

A teenager has revealed how at the height of her battle with anorexia her weight dropped to shocking three-and-a-half stone - resulting in her being hospitalised.
Chiara Schober, from Liechtenstein, has opened up about her battled which doctors said saw her risk her life - and she has praised her boyfriend for helping to save her.

The 19-year-old student said that stomach pains and a family death saw her eating disorder spiral out of control and at her worst she was surviving on just 39 calories a day.

But with the love and support of her boyfriend Jason, Chiara was able to address her problems and overcome her anorexia. She is now a healthy weight and eats 'anything that is put in front of me'. 
She said: 'I feel so lucky that Jason has helped change all that, he's seen me at my worst so I know he loves me for me.'
Chiara met Jason, 17, a year ago and the pair quickly fell in love. Chiara believes the relationship was life-saving and had she not had Jason's support she might not be here today.  
'When Jason met me a year ago I was a completely different person. At one point I weighed just three-and-a-half stone - when I look back now I can't believe it, I was just skin and bone,' she said.
'I was eating just a peach a day, I couldn't bear the thought of eating it was like I was punishing myself,' the language student explained.
At the time Chiara was eating very little and it was at this point that doctors told her she was risking her life.
Chiara said: 'When doctors told me my body wouldn't be able to cope much longer without food I knew it was now or never. 
'That's when Jason stepped in and encouraged me to eat more, he would take me out for meals and buys snacks like popcorn for us snack on. Soon I found enjoyment in eating again, he helped me recover mentally too.'
'I'd always dreamt of getting married someday and having a family of my own, Jason made me realise what life was really about again.
'I used to be terrified of all foods other than fruit and veg, but now I eat ice cream, pizza, and just about anything that's put in front of me.
'I wanted to be healthy again for both of us, I wanted us to be able to go out and do what normal couples do and not let an eating disorder control me.'
Chaira says her eating problems stemmed from suffering from stomach pain in her early teens. 
She explained: 'In my early teens I started suffering from bad stomach cramps and I felt permanently full.
'I began to feel guilty when I ate as I never actually felt hungry so I started eating less and less as I didn't want to eat for the sake of it.' 
A family tragedy saw anorexia take control of her life. 
'When my grandmother passed away I was heartbroken, she had helped me get a bit better but when I lost her my weight spiralled again.'
The thought of eating sometimes left her suicidal and she would spend months in hospital. 
'I used to hate going to hospital, I struggled so much and at times it made the condition worse. I would be placed on an eating diet which resulted in several meals a day, including porridge with almonds and quinoa with broccoli. 
'But doctors couldn't force me to eat anything so sometimes I even lost weight during my stays.
'I even threatened that I’d kill myself if I stayed in hospital.' 
'My mum took me home against doctor’s wishes one time because she thought that I would cope better. But after my grandmother passed away my health rapidly deteriorated and I spent nine months in hospital again.'
Chiara would tell anyone suffering like she did to seek help. 
She said: 'Recovery wasn't easy but I would recommend anyone in a similar position to see a doctor or therapist as soon as they notice an eating disorder.'
Last summer Chiara was released from hospital after her she managed to get her weight just above six stone.
Chiara said: 'After leaving hospital last year I haven't looked back since.I'm now in control of my emotions and have become a lot fitter and healthier, I never want to go back to losing weight like I used to. 
'I'm now in a really good place and I'm surrounded by supportive family and friends and the best boyfriend I could wish for.'
'I now have a future to look forward to again and I can't wait to live my life to the full now.'  
For anyone suffering with similar issues please contact Beat.  

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