29 September, 2016

Delicious dinners that are just 500 calories, quick breakfasts that will keep you full until lunch and comfort food that could save your life

Research has shown that eating 800 calories a day for eight weeks is the best way to lose weight quickly and dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes, writes DR MICHAEL MOSLEY. 

He adds: 'And my diet plan is backed by studies which show that if it is done properly, a rapid weight-loss diet can be a safe and effective way to cut dangerous belly fat and achieve your weight-loss goals. And it's really not difficult. Where's the hardship when you can tuck into 800 calories of deliciously comforting cauliflower cheese, quiche or coq au vin?' Pictured, a mushroom omelette (left), chicken wrapped in Parma ham (top right) and avocados with pre-baked tomatoes (bottom right).

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