22 September, 2016

Doctor planning world's first head transplant says he is preparing for his 'Frankenstein' surgery by REANIMATING human corpses

Italian neurosurgeon Dr Sergio Canavero plans to conduct the first human head transplant next year after first conducting experiments that will stimulate movement in fresh corpses with electricity. 

The experiments will be used to test whether it is possible to severe the spinal cord and then reconnect it. Using electrical pulses or magnetic stimulation, the scientists will be able to test whether the nerves have reconnected correctly. They say this is a crucial step before the first transplant is conducted with a living patient. Russian Valery Spiridonov (pictured on the right in the image above on Good Morning Britain along with Dr Canavero on the TV screen in the centre), 30, who suffers from a form of spinal musclar atrophy, has volunteered to be the first to have the surgery, but he has revealed his girlfriend is opposed to the surgery. Dr Canavero is pictured inset top right speaking to Mr Spiridonov.

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