15 September, 2016

Oh! What a ding-dong in Gretna Green: The Scots border town famed for its shotgun weddings has a whiff of acrimony in the air

The little village of Gretna, just inside the Scottish border, has historically been a place where love does indeed conquer all - but a new documentary has divided residents and caused rifts. 

Since 1754, Gretna has been synonymous with weddings. It was first made popular by young couples eloping to Scotland to take advantage of the country's more relaxed marriage laws. Back then, couples could not marry in England under 21 without a parent's consent. Into the fairytale tableau stepped Channel 4, and a team who wanted to make a documentary about the village and the people who work and marry there. Wedding Town was billed as an affectionate portrait of the place, and Gretna's many wedding planners were delighted to sign up. What could possibly go wrong? Alas, everything. Strolling through the quaint little place today, you get the impression that you are witnessing a painful break-up.

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