28 October, 2016

Is this Britain's most deluded dad? Father's fury after his 13-year-old daughter was sent home from school for having £140 waist-length bright white dreadlocks

Chenise Benson, left, was sent home from George Pindar School in Scarborough after she returned following half term with long white dreadlocks. 

Her father Darren Benson, pictured inset with Chenise, believes her new hairstyle complies fully with the school's uniform guidelines and insists his daughter is being discriminated against. Mr Benson, 39, said: 'It cost £140 and will stay in her hair for a year so it won't be coming out. One of her friends at the school, who has Jamaican heritage, has the same style of hair cut but with a red stripe in it rather than white and she has been allowed to remain.'

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