06 October, 2016

Terminally ill patient is now 'cancer free' after raising £400,000 in just 2 days for 'last-hope' treatment in the US

Mike and Kate Brandon, 31 and 33, of Bristol, travelled to Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Centre for a CAR T-Cell therapy trial, which they believe is Mr Brandon's last chance at staying alive (pictured inset during therapy).

Since beginning treatment in May, his family have now announced his second biopsy has come back clear. Mr Brandon was able to afford the £400,000 cost of the treatment thanks to a huge fundraising campaign which raised the money in just two days. Mr Brandon is battling acute lymphoblastic leukaemia for the second time after the disease returned more aggressive than ever following his wedding (left). The couple are now starting a new campaign #Donate4TCells to support others who are facing a terminal diagnosis. 'We are absolutely over the moon and enjoying every moment together. We have more tests ahead but, right now, we couldn't be happier,' said Mrs Brandon.

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