27 October, 2016

Why milk and honey isn't just an old wives tale: Revealed, the 7 food pairings that could boost your health

Experimenting with different food combinations can help to ramp up the nutritional value of your meals, London-based nutritionist Rob Hobson says. 

Here he reveals seven combinations that can help your body get the most from the foods you eat. Cauliflower (bottom left) is a great source of vitamin C and works well with beans (top left) in certain dishes. Milk (top middle) contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is used to make two hormones in the brain. Carbohydrates such as those found in honey (bottom middle) help with uptake of the amino acid. Yoghurt (bottom right) is a rich source of calcium and previous research has shown foods rich in inulin, such as bananas (top right), helped to absorb the mineral.

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