22 November, 2016

Alicia Silverstone strips down to pose nude in very racy PETA ad

Some women send nude selfies to their significant others — but when it comes to stripping down on camera, Alicia Silverstone seems to only have eyes for PETA. 

The 40-year-old Clueless star has gotten naked once again for the animal rights organization, this time to protest the use of wool in fashion.
'If you're trying to avoid wool, why not make that leap?' she asks in a video for the new #WoolFreeWinter campaign. 'Say, "I'm never going to buy wool again."'
In the campaign image, the blonde beauty stands in a field completely nude, her body facing away from the camera. Her backside is on full display as she turns her face toward forward, and she holds a sheep's mask in her hand.
'I'd rather go naked than wear wool,' the photo reads.
The actress also took the time to enlighten people on just why she is anti-wool, explaining that sheep can be harmed when they are sheered for their fur.
'Wool, in general, has not been thought about by many, many people. It's just not something that's brought to their attention,' she says in a clip. 'The biggest thing that people always say to me is, "Oh, but they just shear the sheep! They don't kill the sheep."'
[UK Dailymail]

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