19 June, 2018

Kaduna farmers get training, to save cost with Agrobiotics technology

The Green Eagle Agribusiness Solutions (GEAS) over the weekend, trained livestock farmers in Kaduna on best and standard poultry practices to enable them yield more profits on their investment.

Part of the training includes teaching the farmers the fermentation process of livestock feeds, effective poultry management system and among others. The firm also introduced a probiotic drug known as Green Eagle Agrobiotics, capable of saving the cost of feeding the birds’ up-to 50 per cent, while reducing the mortality rate in poultry farming to less than one per cent. The drug, been the first of its kind, is said to be capable of completely eliminating animal faeces odour mostly perceived in areas where poultry farming exists.
According to the President and Chief Executive Officer of the firm, Taiwo Oluwadahunsola, he said the drug when administered, can increase the profit realized by the farmers up-to 100 per cent in poultry farming , adding that essentially, vitamins needed for rapid growth and disease prevention are contained in the product.
Oluwadahunsola, who doubled as the president of Patriot Agribusiness Network (PAN) said his firm was worried about the myriads of challenges the poultry farmers usually experience, hence the need for his firm to embark on breakthrough research to proffer solutions to problems their problems.
He said his firm and PAN were committed to ensuring that farmers are “very profitable and remain successful, while getting the needed protection from risk of loosing large number animals.
“PAN is been setup to enhance profitability in the agribusiness sector so as to help the diversification of the Nigerian economy,” he stated.Meanwhile, seminar brought to Kaduna was supported by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL).

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