24 January, 2020

I'm nothing special - other women can succeed like me: Alison Rose

Alison Rose is the first woman to be chief executive of a Big Four UK bank and the first to lead Royal Bank of Scotland since it was founded in 1727.

But she certainly hasn't let it go to her head. Quite the reverse: she insists she is perfectly ordinary.

'I'm nothing special,' she says. 'I always say to my team, 'If I can do this, others can do it too.' There is not something different or unique about me. That is really important.'

She is making the point that you don't have to be a stereotypical scary superwoman to get to the top, which is true.

But no one should underestimate the sheer scale of her achievement in ascending the heights of the banking industry, particularly at RBS, which in the Fred Goodwin years was a byword for toxic masculinity.

Now she wants to help other women succeed, whether by climbing the career ladder as she has done or by running their own business. 

The £1billion fund she is launching today for female entrepreneurs is part of a sustained effort over a number of years.

She published a review backed by the Treasury last year which found that only one in three entrepreneurs in the UK is female, and only 1 per cent of venture capital funding goes to all-woman teams.

The latter statistic, she says, 'is one of the starkest, most shocking points that came out'. 

She is, she says, having 'constructive conversations' with venture capital and private equity firms about how they can get more women as investment officers – those who make decisions on which firms to back.

RBS funds some rising entrepreneurs including Asma Khan, the 50-year-old who runs the Darjeeling Express restaurant in London and who recently appeared on the Saturday Kitchen BBC TV programme.

But Rose argues it is not merely a matter of helping individuals, but benefiting the economy as a whole.

'If we can get the level of female entrepreneurship in the UK to the same levels as some other countries such as Canada, the US, Australia and the Netherlands, you could get a £250billion contribution to the economy,' she says.

Unusually, she is trying to co-operate, rather than compete with the other lenders to get more backing for businesswomen.

She has persuaded most other large banks – including Barclays, Lloyds, Santander and TSB – to sign up to her 'Investing In Women Code', where they promise to outlaw unfair treatment of female business customers.

It is all part of the banker's strategy to rehabilitate RBS after its near-death experience in the financial crisis.

The 50-year-old wants to turn the lender – which became synonymous with everything wrong with the banking system – into a good corporate citizen.

More than a decade on from the crisis, that remains a tall order.

Rose grew up in a military family and at one stage wanted to be a diplomat. Instead, she joined NatWest as a graduate trainee in 1992, after a history degree at Durham University. The bank was taken over by RBS in 2000.

Having worked her way up the ranks, she was one of the team that cleaned up the bank after Goodwin and the financial crisis.

One lingering legacy of those years is the mistreatment of business customers who were put into its Global Restructuring Group (GRG), which her predecessor Ross McEwan described as one of the most damaging episodes of all.
The GRG unit was supposed to help troubled firms back on to their feet, but instead it mistreated large numbers of customers. Many of those are still struggling and believe the bank ruined their businesses and their lives.
How can she repair that situation? 'We have to build trust, customer by customer,' she says.
'We know we made mistakes but my commitment is to make sure we try to solve it.
'I am determined it won't happen again.
'I want to build a bank with purpose at the heart of it, and I want to be the best bank for business and families.'
Her first big encounter with the City will come on Valentine's Day when she presents the bank's full-year results.
She will also be updating investors on her strategy, including her plans for what remains of RBS's once-sprawling investment bank.
What will she do? 'I have said I am looking at it. There are definitely challenges in our NatWest Markets business which we are addressing, but it provides products and services that are critical to the UK economy and our customers,' she says.
'We are in a lower growth economic environment and we have to make sure our business is appropriate for today and tomorrow.'
I think that means the division will shrink, but not be axed.
When does she think RBS, which was bailed out to the tune of £45billion and is still 62 per cent-owned by the taxpayer, will be out of state control?
Rose says: 'We are now a bank with a very strong capital base and balance sheet.
'We have started paying dividends again and we are making profits, but it is in the Government's hands.'
Is it a relief that nationalisation – which was on the Labour agenda had Jeremy Corbyn won the election – is off the table?
'I would like to get the bank back to a normal shareholding structure,' she says.
'The Government has been a fantastic shareholder.
'But we are now a very different bank than ten years ago when we were bailed out.' Another element of her quest to restore RBS's reputation is climate change.
'We set some very clear targets about lending to renewable energy projects,' she says.
The bank is also steering clear of lending to some environmentally unfriendly operations.
Rose, who lives in London with her husband David, also a banker, and their two children, a daughter and a son, broke with convention and mentioned the fact that she is a mother in her first speech to staff after taking over from McEwan in November last year.
She makes it work, she says, with the help of her husband and her mum.
'Managing the trade-offs of different parts of your life is about setting the rules that are important to you,' she says.
'I would say find something you love, believe in yourself and go for it. Identify the compromises you and your family are prepared to make, and that you are comfortable with.
'I have some red lines and they evolve over time. Children have this annoying habit of growing up and changing in terms of their needs,' she smiles.
'My weekends are really precious. That is a red line. My son has his rugby practice. One of my golden rules is if the children text or call me, I always answer.
'But I am always slightly nervous of coming across as if I'm saying, 'Here's the solution', because it is a very personal set of decisions and the balance that works for me might not work for others.
'You have to recognise that things just happen.
'I was in the middle of a board presentation just after I was appointed and got a phone call from my daughter saying she had been sent to the hospital because she might have malaria. Fortunately, she didn't.
'Lives are complicated so don't beat yourself up.
'One of the best pieces of advice I had is when you are at work don't feel guilty about not being at home and vice versa.'

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