25 August, 2015

How a barefoot driver and bikini-clad woman stopped FOUR lanes of traffic because of puncture

The barefoot man is understood to have been towing a small boat when one of the trailer's tyres burst, forcing him to come to a standstill on the outside lane of a busy interchange on the M4, near Bristol. In a dramatic one-minute video, the mystery motorist is seen risking his life as he walks out from behind the four-wheel drive car, waving at oncoming traffic to stop (pictured left, trailer circled). A van in the next lane then escorts the four-wheel drive car, now driven by the motorist's scantily-clad female companion, towards the hard shoulder as vehicles in the other lanes form an impromptu barrier (top right). The barefoot driver is seen thanking passing vehicles (bottom right) for their patience as traffic returns to normal, before he fixes the punctured tyre and continues his journey.

Source - Mail Online

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