13 September, 2015

Baby With Brain Cancer Saved From Abortion Saves Another Unborn Baby From Abortion

Earlier this month, LifeNews.com reported the story of Baby Abigail.
In Florida, Erika and Stephen Jones found out that their unborn baby had Down syndrome at an ultrasound appointment earlier this year. However, at their 30-week ultrasound in June, they were told that their baby had an inoperable, aggressive brain tumor. The couple refused abortion, waited for Erika to go into labor and on August 6th, she had an emergency caesarean section and welcomed Abigail Noelle Jones into their family.
The Daily Mail reports that the couple is heartbroken over their daughter’s tumor but plan on enjoying every minute they have with their baby. An MRI of Abigail’s brain confirmed that her tumor is cancerous and cannot be removed. To make matters worse, Abigail can’t receive chemotherapy treatment because she is too young.
Her story has moved the tens of thousands of people who read the article at LifeNews — prompting hundreds of comments on social media and emails to us saying they were moved by the story and praying for little Abigail and her family.
Now, Stephen Jones, little Abigail’s father, has emailed LifeNews sharing a story from someone who has been following Abigail’s journey. It turns out that Abigail’s life has resulted in saving a baby from an abortion. As Stephen tells it:
Earlier this week I had the privilege of meeting with a young woman 22 years of old and 19 weeks along in her pregnancy. She found herself in the middle of a crisis pregnancy. The father of the baby left her, her parents gave her no support, and she had just had a doctor’s appointment in which she learned her baby boy did indeed most likely have Down Syndrome (3 indicators and a positive blood test). She was devastated. Scared. No terrified is a better word. The doctor recommended and I would say was “pushing” her to have an abortion.
And indeed she had an appointment already scheduled with Planned Parenthood scheduled for today, September 4 before we spoke. She was convinced that she couldn’t care for a baby with special needs, that it would be better for the baby to not be born because of various reasons. The bottom line: she is scared, doesn’t have support, and all the doctor said was abort the fetus. She had pictures of her son in her hands. Tears streamed down her face. So broken. So hurting. So afraid of the unknown.
I asked if I could share the story of Abigail Noelle. She looked at me funny but said, “Sure.” I shared with her Abigail’s story. I shared very openly what you wrote for the birth announcement that described the 18 week and 30 week appointments. I continued on to share that little Abigail would turn 4 weeks on Thursday. She was in shock.
I looked at her and said, “Abigail is still alive. Yes, her parents are in a great pain AND they also have joy in midst of it because they have their beautiful daughter in their arms. Had they aborted Abigail then she would not be here.”
Totally enthralled by the story and bawling at this point the young woman asked if it would be okay to see Abigail. Umm….of course its ok! So she saw multiple pictures of Abigail. She kept looking from Abigail’s pictures to her ultrasound picture. The battle for this baby boy was intense. After 30 minutes of talking she said, “I can’t kill my baby. Look at Abigail. She’s beautiful. She’s alive. She’s a miracle and here. I can’t kill my son.”
Then I held her. She wept the deep tears of a Momma. After praying together I asked if she was ready to cancel the abortion appointment. She said yes. I handed her the phone and she cancelled the appointment right then in front of me. She said, “My son will live and not die. I am his mother and will love him no matter what. I don’t know how I’m going to do this but I won’t kill him.”
I literally just left Panera and meeting with her. She is doing well. She saw the ABC story yesterday online and said, “Without Abigail I would have killed my son today. I love Abigail and her parents.”
And so I will work with her on getting her set up with services and walking her through the pregnancy and probably be there when baby boy comes BUT she chose life because of Abigail’s life.
God is a big big big God who uses everything for His good and glory.
I hate the pain that you are going through on this journey and I’m so thankful that you are sharing Abigail with the world. That is just one baby we know of that was saved from abortion. who knows how many more there are.

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