08 September, 2015

Couple who claimed their newborn was swapped are reunited with their lost son after DNA test

Richard Cushworth, a missionary in El Salvador, and wife Mercedes Casanellas (pictured left and centre holding their non-biological child) made a public plea for their baby's return after DNA tests showed the child they cared for since birth was not theirs. Investigators tracked down the child by ordering other new mothers to have their babies DNA tested. The boy's grandfather David Cushman told MailOnline: 'We have our grandson - and he looks like his father'. Richard and Mercedes were seen celebrating moments before they were reunited with their son (centre). Ms Casanellas, pictured top right with the couple's biological son after the birth, says that she noticed something was wrong when the child given to her by hospital staff in San Salvador was darker skinned and looked nothing like her or her husband. Now they are reunited they would also like to keep non-biological baby Jacob (together bottom right). The couple have accused Dr Alejandro Guidos, a gynaecologist at the prestigious Centro Ginecologico hospital, of masterminding a plot with other hospital staff to switch their light-skinned baby and sell him to human traffickers.

UK mail online

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