08 September, 2015

How do I treat a cough if I am breastfeeding my newborn?

Question: IS IT safe to take cold and cough remedies if I am breastfeeding?

Answer: COUGH and cold remedies contain a variety of ingredients including painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen and also drugs that constrict arteries (which can help clear a blocked nose), as well as pholcodine which can help stop tickly coughs.

Small amounts of drugs can go into breast milk and some might cause effects in the baby so are therefore best avoided.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are generally safe for breastfeeding mums and can help reduce a fever as well as make you feel less achy.

But the safest remedy for a blocked nose is menthol and eucalyptus inhalations, although make sure you do this well away from the baby.

For coughs I recommend lemon and honey - sometimes the old remedies used by our grandmothers really are best.

Culled from UK Express

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