Will Smith took to social media on Friday to celebrate his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith's 44th birthday with possibly the most romantic Facebook tribute ever. The Concussion star, who will celebrate his own 47th birthday next week, shared a vintage snapshot of the two for the occasion. "This was taken at your mom's house 20 years ago. That's a long time ago!!! So I decided to do some math…," he captioned the photo of their younger-selves posing affectionately with Jada sitting behind her husband and her arms wrapped around him.
He continued: "I have sung happy birthday to you 20
times and I have bought you 19 birthday presents (I was mad that one year). I
have watched you blow out 693 candles (737 after tonite). I've told you "I
love you" at least 8,285 times. And of the nearly 3.96 Billion women on
the planet - there is only 1 that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Happy Birthday, my Love!"
Now that's love.
The birthday message comes just over a
month after the actor shot down rumors that he was divorcing his wife of 17
years. Promising to reveal the news himself if he and Jada, whom he
lovingly refers to as his "Queen," ever did decide to part, he took
to Facebook to clear the air. "Under normal circumstances, I don't
usually respond to foolishness. (Because it's contagious)," he writes.
But, after receiving what he calls "deepest condolences" from
numerous people, he decided to set the record straight. "So, in the
interest of redundant, repetitious, over & over-again-ness... Jada and I
are...NOT GETTING A DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he states.
Now that's love.
The birthday message comes just over a
month after the actor shot down rumors that he was divorcing his wife of 17
years. Promising to reveal the news himself if he and Jada, whom he
lovingly refers to as his "Queen," ever did decide to part, he took
to Facebook to clear the air. "Under normal circumstances, I don't
usually respond to foolishness. (Because it's contagious)," he writes.
But, after receiving what he calls "deepest condolences" from
numerous people, he decided to set the record straight. "So, in the
interest of redundant, repetitious, over & over-again-ness... Jada and I
are...NOT GETTING A DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he states.
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