31 October, 2015

Facebook’s Slideshow Makes It Easy To Serve Video Ads In Developing Countries

Video content consumption online is apparently increasing everyday with people even wanting more engagement on mobile, but connectivity varies around the world — slow and expensive in developing countries, and that poses a challenge to businesses trying to serve video ads to people within their target audience in such areas.
In a bid to allow businesses deliver video ads to all users regardless of the connection they’re on or device they use. Facebook is launching a new feature called Slideshow that makes it easy to create from maybe a higher quality video, optimized 5-15 seconds video ads using still images lightweight enough to engage users.
“Slideshow reduces the need for video production time and resources, and because of its smaller file size, it extends eye-catching ads to people on basic devices or with poor connectivity. In early testing, we found that a 15-second slideshow can be up to 5x smaller in file size than a video of the same length. Slideshow uses video-like motion and no sound, giving advertisers a new way to tell brand stories to people everywhere.” Facebook said in a blog post.
Facebook Slideshow should in the coming weeks arrive Power Editor and Ads Manager for account managers to start creating campaigns of the same general type. Folks, it’s definitely time for your feature phones to start surfacing those 
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