14 October, 2015

Seven Scientific Reasons Why You Should Have Sex Every Single Day

1. It could lower his risk of prostate cancer.​
According to a study from Harvard Medical School, men who ejaculated more often reduced their risk of developing prostate cancer by 22%. Researchers still don't know why that is, but hey, if you needed one more reason to hit that tonight, having your guy avoid getting cancer is a pretty solid one.

2. Your chance of getting a cold goes way, way down.​
Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that people who had sex at least twice a week released more antigens like immunoglobulin A, which helps fight off colds and the flu, so just think of how healthy you'd be if you had sex all seven days. You'd be basically immortal is what I'm trying to say.

3. It keeps you looking super young and confident.​
In a study by Scottish researcher and clinical neuropsychologist David Weeks, judges guessed the ages of 3,500 European and American women and men, and found that the people whose age was underestimated by seven to 12 years were also reporting having sex three times a week, in comparison to the control group which was doing it twice a week. They also found these young-looking babes to be really comfortable and confident about their sexual identity. Win, win, win, win.

4. It'll help get rid of your heinous menstrual cramps.​
A study done in 2000 found that 9% of 1,900 women were masturbating solely to get rid of their menstrual cramps. There's no way that many masturbating women are wrong.

5. It could make you crazy-fertile, if you're trying to conceive.​
A new study in Fertility and Sterility found that having sex every day could help prepare your immune system for pregnancy, which is critical in terms of increasing your chances of having a baby.

6. It lowers your blood pressure and your ability to stress out over basically nothing.​
A 2005 study found that people who had penile-vaginal intercourse (their words, not mine) had lower blood pressure and better stress responses than people who didn't (or those who masturbated or had non-penetrative sex), which in theory would mean they were also way more chill. Never a bad thing.

7. Sex can actually make you a super genius.​
Separate studies by researchers at the University of Maryland and Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea, found that mice and rats who had sex more often were also less stressed, and since stress makes your brain less able to function, that made them more intelligent thinkers.

So in theory, having sex every single day would make you fertile, live longer, never get sick, and have the brain of a genius. Basically, sex makes you a superhero. That's my takeaway from this.

From: Cosmopolitan

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