11 February, 2016

‘Abstain From Earthly Pleasures During Lenten Season’

Chaplain of the Enugu State Government House, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Chinedu Ozor-Ude yesterday, urged Christians to do away with earthly pleasures and be sober during the Lenten season.

Ozor-Ude, who said this in a sermon during the special Ash Wednesday mass held at the Government House to kick off the 2016 Lenten season, called on Christians to embark on intensive fasting and prayer.
Noting that the season reminds Christians that they came from dust and shall return to the same element, he said the season should serve as opportunity for the faithful to seek moral rearmament.
He explained that Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40 days Lenten period and urged Christians to repent from their sins by eschewing immorality and maintaining good relationships with their neighbours, as Christ did while on earth.
According to him, the season reminds Christians that they are weak in spirit and needed wholesome approach towards close observance of the activities of the Lenten rituals.
In a homily, the Dean Student Affairs, Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu, Rev. Fr. Remigius Ibudialo, urged Christians not to be selfish in their endeavours, but rather be their brother’s keeper in order to please God and humanity.
The wife of the Enugu State Governor, Mrs. Monica Ugwuanyi, the Deputy Governor, Hon. Mrs. Cecilia Ezilo, among others, attended the church service.

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