15 February, 2016

No Sex, Please, I'm A Cave Woman! JANE FRYER Learns How To Live Stone Age Style With A Very Dishy Historian - And Finds Life 10,000 BC Was A Little Lacking In Passion

Life as a cave woman in 10,000 BC is full of little disappointments. 

There is no deodorant, shampoo or make-up, no broadband, a very limited wardrobe of reindeer skin overcoat and gigantic hide trousers. 

Oh, and just a bit of birch twig to clean your teeth. I know all this because I learned how to be a cavewoman in a pretty wood at a secret location west of Oxford. 

JANE FRYER (pictured left) spent a day living in the stone age under the tutelage of survival expert and palaeolithic archaeology student Klint Janulis (pictured with Jayne top right).

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