14 March, 2016

German voters' damning verdict on open-door migration: Angela Merkel is punished in crucial state elections as far-Right party wins big vote with call to stop flow of refugees

Exit polls have predicted a humiliating defeat for Chancellor Angela Merkel's (left) Christian Democratic Union party in two-out-of-three state elections as the results come in from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt tonight. 

It is the first major elections held in Germany since the start of the European migration crisis and Ms Merkel's 'open door' refugee policy, which has been both praised and criticised in the country, with the Chancellor mocked for her policies via a carnival float in Dusseldorf (top right) after more than 1million asylum seekers (bottom right) have entered the country since last year. 

It is believed both the CDU and Ms Merkel's partners in the national government, the centre-left Social Democrats will lose support, while the big winners are set to be the right-wing anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD), with candidates and supporters delighted at the success (centre).


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