08 May, 2016

The mother addicted to BRICKS: 30-year-old ate a bowl of fragments every day after developing bizarre cravings during pregnancy

Jenny Mason, 30, from Liverpool, was three months pregnant with son Rylee, now three (left, with his mother) when she began craving eating bricks and dirt. 

She started scraping bits of the wall of her house away to crunch on, or would buy soil from the garden centre and put it into a bowl to eat it (top right) - much like others eat cereal. She also craved sand - and would offer to walk the dog at the beach in order to snack on grains. Finally, she was diagnosed with Pica - a compulsive urge to eat non-food items. Three months after giving birth to Rylee, her cravings thankfully stopped. She said: 'I'd use a knife or tools to carve bits of brick from the outside of the house to satisfy my cravings. I'd feel relief for a couple of days afterwards, and then the need to eat bricks, mortar, sand or soil would come back.'

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