23 June, 2016

At least it wasn't the eggplant! Alabama governor's wife first suspected his affair with married staffer 30 years his junior when he accidentally and repeatedly messaged her a ROSE emoji instead of his mistress

Dianne Bentley (pictured left) found the emojis to be unusual and out of character for her 74-year-old husband Robert (pictured left and right(, and led her to secretly recording him one day at their beach house when she realized they might have been intended for someone else. 

She caught Bentley telling his senior policy adviser Rebekah Mason (pictured right), 44, how much he loved her and how he wanted to put his hands on her breasts. Two years later Bentley's former friend revealed to the press of the recording's existence and said the governor had admitted to having a longtime affair. Bentley has continued to deny that anything physical happened with him and Mason, a married mother-of-three. Mason has since resigned amid the scandal and Bentley faces possible impeachment.

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