25 June, 2016

Get out now! Furious EU leader demands Britain makes quick exit from the EU as Prime Minister David Cameron resigns and global markets plummet over historic referendum vote to leave Europe

Furious European Parliament President Martin Schulz (pictured top left) has demanded the UK makes a quick exit from the EU following the shock result of Thursday's referendum. 

Schulz said the UK's relationship with the EU had been ambiguous, but was 'now clear' and a prolonged exit was 'the opposite of what we need'. He added that it was difficult to accept that 'a whole continent is taken hostage because of an internal fight in the Tory party'. And the presidents of the EU's main institutions said in a statement today that they expect London to act on the decision to leave 'as soon as possible, however painful that process may be'. Prime Minister David Cameron (pictured main with wife Samantha), who on Friday announced he will resign, had suggested that formal notification of Britain's departure might not come before October. World markets were thrown into turmoil on Friday after the final vote was announced.

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