20 June, 2016

PICTURED: The mangled gate which Star Trek star Anton Yelchin, 27, was pinned against by his two TON Jeep when it rolled backwards and killed him in freak accident

Photographs taken at Star Trek star Anton Yelchin's home show the twisted metal gate and mailbox that the 27-year-old was fatally crushed against during a freak accident. The body of the Russian-born actor was found at around 1am on his driveway in Studio City, California. 

He had been hit by his own car, authorities said. According to police sources, the star was pinned against the gate by his 5,000 pound (2.5 ton) Jeep Grand Cherokee after he got out of the car but left the SUV in neutral. Investigators believe the vehicle rolled backwards and into Yelchin. They have not established why exited his car. A friend found Yelchin's body pinned between his car and a brick mail box, which was attached to a security gate and is on a very steep incline.

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