08 June, 2016

What is it that makes Tom Hanks the NICEST man in Hollywood? Oscar winner's humility is refreshing in a world of towering egos and self-gratifying divas

If Radio 4 listeners weren't aware already, the two-times Oscar-winning star of Forrest Gump (pictured bottom right), Philadelphia and Saving Private Ryan had long ago been crowned 'the nicest guy in Hollywood'. 

And on Radio 4, he showed he is also erudite, eloquent, contemplative and perceptive. 'I'm not a cheater,' he said of his 28-year marriage to the actress Rita Wilson (pictured left). 'I met her and I thought, "I'm not going to be lonely any more."' As a child (pictured top right) and in a family of 16 siblings and step-siblings, Hanks was known as Number Nine.

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